Photovoltaic system goes into operation.
mac invests consistently in sustainability
Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von mac. brand spaces, dem Spezialisten für Live-Kommunikation aus Langenlonsheim, wird weiter konsequent umgesetzt: Wie CEO Stefan Trieb heute mitteilte, ist auf der Dachfläche des Unternehmens ab sofort eine Photovoltaikanlage in Betrieb. Trieb: „Umweltschutz ist schon seit Jahren ein wesentlicher Teil der Unternehmensentwicklung und damit auch der Investitionsplanung. Die neue PV-Anlage ist ein Baustein daraus. Unsere nachhaltige Strategie kommt bei Kunden sehr gut an und betriebswirtschaftlich rechnet sie sich auch“
The system has a module area of 1,000 square meters and will generate over 200,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. “mac already uses 100 percent green electricity from the grid. With the PV system, we will generate around 20 percent of our electricity consumption ourselves in the future – when we need it. During the day, our production machines run,” says Trieb. Planning for the €230,000 system, which will be followed by a further expansion phase in 2023, began at the start of the year. The development of energy costs is further shortening the already short amortization period.

The PV system is part of a comprehensive energy and mobility concept: the vehicle fleet is also gradually being converted to electric or partially electric vehicles and a corresponding charging structure is being set up. The company has already installed 16 charging points. Employees already have the Bahncard 100 and the option of using company bikes. The offer has been very well received.
The campus in Langenlonsheim, with its integrated production chain, already offers the best conditions for largely reducing the carbon footprint. Long delivery routes and transportation costs in the supply chain are avoided. Trieb: “From the initial design to production and delivery, all work steps are carried out centrally in one place.” The heat required for heating and the paint shop is obtained from the combustion of production waste from the joinery. In addition, heat wheels are installed to reduce the need for heating energy. The administration building is another example of the company’s sustainability standards in action. It was thermally modernized years ago and the roof was greened. Trieb: “One square meter of green roof surface is enough to bind around ten grams of fine dust and 1.2 kilograms of CO2 per year and clean the air”.