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press release — 16.05.2023

Award as a healthy company

mac. brand spaces, the specialist for live communication from Langenlonsheim, was awarded the “Healthy Company” certificate by the AOK Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland. The bronze certificate was awarded for the measures implemented in workplace health promotion. “We are delighted that our continuous efforts in the area of occupational health management have been recognized. It shows that we are on the right track with our efforts for the health of our employees and the healthy design of our workplaces,” says mac CEO Stefan Trieb.

AOK Rheinland-Pfalz has been supporting companies for several years in creating a company health management system with sustainable structures and making work processes healthier. The aim is to initiate a continuous improvement process within the company.

“Healthy employees make a significant contribution to a healthy company,” says Trieb. mac has introduced an annual health day where employees can take part in training courses and workshops on the topic of health. Among other things, employees are offered exercise training in the workplace as well as the opportunity to lease an e-bike. Flexible working time models have also made it much easier to combine family and career.

mac is aiming for “Silver” certification in 2024. “The catalog of criteria will be a constant benchmark. Our aim is to keep a continuous improvement process going in mac’s occupational health management,” says Trieb.

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