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Krones AG

drinktec | München

Short Brief

After a delay of one year, drinktec, the world's leading trade fair for the beverage industry, took place in September 2022. For the market leader in the industry, KRONES AG, this has always been a special highlight. The aim was to set a special example for its own aspirations and attitude as a driver of ideas as well as the expectations of the market with a trend-setting appearance. This, however, in the social reflection of the time and unforgettable for stand visitors and stake holders.

The presentation space and meeting point for this staging of the brand and product range is an entire 11,000 m² exhibition hall at Messe München.

Our Solution

Together with Krones' in-house creative team, mac. brand spaces staged an experience-intensive and emotionalizing Custumer Journey under the motto "Solutions beyond tomorrow". Krones presented itself as a solution provider for all questions and wishes of the food and beverage industry with a sense of responsibility for the sustainable use of resources, innovative products and digital services. Themed walls at the entrance already put visitors in the mood for the situation of our time.

Inside, brand showcases presented technical product solutions and answers, always with the sustainable elements they contain. Concise ceiling strips reinforced the integrative approach of the offerings and pointed further into the center of the Krones world of solutions.

There, solution islands presented the competence advantage for complete product lines. Movable displays demonstrated the digital service and maintenance of lines. A gleaming sculpture of the factory of the future - Plant.Zero - hovered above everything as a vision and roadmap.

A stylized alpine hut with a Bavarian beer garden provided for the all-important personal encounters and physical well-being.

A visit to the Krones world of solutions at the drinktec 2022 was certainly a lasting experience in many respects.

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